About the Antidate

Why the Antidate?

The manosphere already exists, and from the wide variety of blogs you can read intuitive evolutionary psychology analyses, abstracts on feminism, the sexual market place, dating, sex, love, and everything in between.

I am not succinct. I am not a great abstract writer. Unfortunately for me, all the theory that can be written has been written by those better than I, (or will soon be written about).

But one thing is still clear. I experience this life, through red pill colored glasses, every day.

And people say I’m jaded, they say I’m cynical. These two terms indicate that my view of reality is colored by pessimism and cynicism  I would like to prove that I am, in fact, a realist.

Women are blatent and narcissistic. They do not hide their atrociousness. They lie, cheat, and create a public environment where they deride others for the very things they themselves do.

Fuck em.

Friends and family both ask me why it is that I remain single. I can boil it down to a very simple reason. I don’t have to tell them the part feminism played in our sexual market place. I don’t have to tell them about evolutionary psychology. I don’t have to tell them about anything red pill related at all. It’s quite simple:

American women are no longer attractive to me at all. Their attitudes, selfishness, and narcissism is a complete turn off. 

Single I may always remain.

Who am I?

I’m Desmond. I am the curator/admin of the /r/TheRedPill subreddit. My handle on reddit is pk_atheist.

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